RAGA took shape on Makarasankranti, 2006 as an informal group of people whose primary aim is to appreciate, enjoy and promote the Classical Music of India.

In year 2016, RAGA kicked off the second decade of its service to the community with the successful Sampradaya Competition with sole focus to encourage and recognize classical music talent among children.

2025 Music Concerts

Venue for all Concerts (unless called out separately): CVHTS Narayana Auditorium (below Satyanarayana Sanctum), 11 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT

2025 Spring Concerts

Apr 20, 2025 - Sunday, 4 PM ET: Carnatic Vocal Concert - Saketharaman - Vocal, accompanied by Kamalakiran Vinjamuri - Violin, Patri Satishkumar - Mridangam [Purchase Concert tickets]

Sakrtharaman - Vocal Kamalakiran Vinjamuri - Violin Patri Satish Kumar - Mridangam

May 11, 2025 - Sunday, 4 PM ET:  Sankari Krishnan - Vocal, accompanied by  - Violin,  - Mridangam [Purchase Concert tickets]

Sankari Krishnan - Vocal  - Violin  - Mridangam

Continue your commitment to Raga Club of CT and your appreciation for India Classical Music in any one of the following ways:

Raga Music concerts - Ticket policy:

  • RAGA member and 3 more persons from immediate family (spouse and two additional immediate family members) are allowed free to RAGA concerts. Co-sponsored concerts and special concerts may have different ticketing arrangements.
  • Other guests accompanying a RAGA member should buy tickets at $30 per person
  • Non-Raga Members - tickets are $30 per person

RAGA is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization (Tax ID: 263184239). All your donations are tax deductibleYou may donate to RAGA right here, using your credit card, by clicking on the picture of Goddess Saraswati below. 

Click to Donate through Zeffy << CLICK on the image of Goddess Saraswathi to donate to Raga Club or renew RAGA Membership


Title: Person Mail Address:
Board Chair Dr. Sheenu Srinivasan
Past President Shri. Vir Gopalan
President Shri. Joseph Getter joseph@ragact.org
Secretary Shri. Badri Narayanan secretary@ragact.org
Treasurer Shri. Murthy Mamidanna treasurer@ragact.org
Raga Board contactus@ragact.org

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Copyright © 2006 - 2023 The Raga Club of Connecticut